Photos of Leisure and Current Work
Out with the Crew, Bowling Night once a month on Saturdays.
Getting Cooled off for the next STRIKE??? Yes.......
Played a few tables of Pool with Cook/ Bon from Thailand, he is
working in Soup & Sauce Dept.
This is next room from the Bowling Alley in Nawiliwili. We get
Pizza, Sodas and
free Bowling.
This is Lindsey Sharp, she is a server in the Aloha Nui Buffet. She is Great to be around always happy!
And Exciting Aloha from Lindsey!!!
Below View of the City of Honolulu
A view from the Ship's 12th Deck of the Honolulu City Buildings.
Another view of the City on the bottom left the black building
is the Restaurant & Store Mall it is where we go to the Movies and
hang out for a beer & lunch with fellow crew, meet locals & I
call Home & Friends.
Left view of the previous Photo.
Below are in Kona Island
Above View from the Island of Kona where I looked @ real estate Information.
Another view as above.
There are a lot of these Birds there in Kona, I think they are Green Singers.
This is a view of the Ship from a Hotel in Kona Island
the Ship Docks away from the Shore.
Below are more Photos from Honolulu starting with the Ship
approaching the City at sunrise and a view behind the Downtown
City Buildings of
houses right on the mountains.
Approaching the city at daybreak.
Right side of the City towards Waikiki Beach.
A center view of the City.
Me on deck 12 with the City view behind.
The Outside bar in Honolulu were we gather on Mondays a few hour when possible it is a store and restaurant mall with Ruth Chris, Sushi places and many other food shops along with a Movie Theater that we all go it cost $1 admission and soda $1.50
This is an eatery in Honolulu of many.
This is the View of the City from behind the City the Ship is behind these buildings.
This is a new building structure going up in Honolulu.
This is part of the base of the building bottom left. See Mountains behind with houses.
This is a close up of houses on the mountains only a couple
of thousand
feet from the City.
Another view to the left of previous photo.
Another view of Apartment buildings right at the edge of the mountains.
This is a view from a street bridge from the City to the mountain area housing.
Another view of houses on the mountains from the same bridge from previous photo.
This is in Maui Hawai'i going to a Beach for a BBQ. 4th of July. You can see the houses on the mountains in the center if the photo.
These fields are planted with vegetables & corn.
More planted fields.
Me getting sand in my contact lenses it was very
windy at
the BBQ on the beach in Maui
Me back to work after we leave Honolulu for another trip around the Hawaiian Islands. Behind me is Osvaldo he is from the Dominican Republic.
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